Tips for working from home

Working from Home

"Working from home has its perks, but it also has its challenges. Let's go over some tips to ensure that you excel at working from home"

Keeping a normal routine is key to staying productive while working at home:

  • Try to wake up around the same time each morning
  • Get ready for the day as usual, even if you don't plan on leaving home
  • Take normal breaks and lunch, just like you would in the office

Make yourself available at the same times as your colleagues:

This is especially important when working on projects that require collaboration, and open lines of communication. Having digital face to face communication with co-workers, helps people feel connected with their team and the work they do together. It's also good to keep weekly one to one meetings to check-in and connect on work and life.

Create a space for normal conversation with your colleagues:

Whether it be an open channel or a weekly meeting via a video call, having digital water cooler conversations can boost camaraderie, and even generate great ideas.

Perhaps one of the most important things is to have a way for everyone to submit work, receive feedback, and get approvals. Long email chains are not the place for this; instead, use one of the many task applications available to track and streamline the work your team is doing.
"Each person on your team was hired for a reason, because they are good at what they do.Trusting that they will accomplish tasks on their own while working from home is crucial to a productive work from home environment."
While the tips in this video are not an end-all solution, they are a great start to forming productive habits, and excelling at working from home. At Podium, we're working to support you during this period. Podium 365 fully supports remote testing and reporting. You can invite participants to complete any of our assessments at home, and our reports can be accessed from anywhere. We also support new, remote assessment technologies like video interviewing and will be releasing more in the near future.
Stay safe, stay positive, stay productive.

Carl Francis, European Operations Director at Podium

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