Setting up a home office

Setting up a Home Office

At Podium we're experinced in working remotely, and from home. So, we thought it would be great to share some of our tips about setting up a Home Office.

Choose A Spot

Squeezing an inviting workstation into an already tight space can be challenge. Though chances are, there is a spot in plain sight just begging to be transformed into your workstation. Try swapping out an end table by the sofa or a nightstand by your bed with a small desk.

Make it Work Friendly 

Remove visible distractions. Only items necessary for your work should be within arm's reach. If you make video calls, remember to also tidy up the space behind you. Getting rid of audible distractions can be harder, this is where headphones come in handy.

Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is especially important if you live with other people. Have conversations with any other people in your household about how to accommodate all your needs as you work from home. Come up with visual cues so they know when it’s OK to approach you, and what they should recognise as ‘do not disturb'. But be forgiving too. In a small space, your workstation might just be in the path of other essential rooms in your home.

Aesthetics are Important

If you’re going to be living with this workstation, you’ll need to like it. Don’t outfit your room with boring office furniture. Find a table that will blend in nicely with the rest of your space. You’ll need storage to keep your space tidy. A shelf along the wall can look great here, but a simple rolling cart works too. A nice photograph or artwork goes a long way towards making your workstation pleasant and inviting.

Reduce Eye Strain

You’ll need to be able to see your work so you can focus. Whether you use a table lamp or ceiling light, lighting is key. To reduce strain on your eyes, find a spot that isn’t directly in front of or behind a window. Be sure there is at least 50 centimetres between the screen and your eyes.

Health and Safety

Finally, find out what the health and safety guidelines are for your company or region. Following these guidelines can help minimize any risks associated with working from home.

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